Moon Preorder Sept 12 - October 3

It is finally almost time, my friends! The (extremely) long awaited time limited Dandelion Moon preorder will be in a week!

As mentioned previously, this is a time limited preorder. We have already discussed the waitlist numbers with the caster (from a year ago where the interest and hype level was presumably much higher than now) and they have assured us this will be no problem so do not worry about us closing the preorder early. However, we will not be able to hold any orders after the 3rd October as we must submit in order to receive these moons before Chinese New Year 2022, when the caster will take a break.

I just wanted to make a post that would clarify all information in one place so this can act as a resource for all interested in the sweet little Dandelion Moons.

For starters, lets get to know each of them better.

From left to right.

Lupi, Polaris, Alula, Vega, Lyra, Alula (again) Delphini.
Wolf - Fennec Fox - Mouse - Scaley Lizard/Dragon/Armadillo Queen - Human (optional bunny ears) Mouse - Aquatic Creature

You can see their faces blank here

But of course, they can be anything and the only limits are your imaginations!

They take 10-12mm eyes and a wig size between 6-6.5”

Their measurements are as follows;

Height 38cm
Shoulder to Shoulder 6.7cm
Neck Circumference 6.1cm
Flat Chest 14.5cm
Small Bust 15cm
Waist Circumference (thinnest point) 12.2cm
Hip Circumference (widest point) 23.5cm
Thigh Circumference 12.5cm
Leg Length 22cm
Foot Length 5.2cm

You will be able to select your chest type - Small bust, flat chest

And your Leg type- Sleeker Single Jointed thigh, More poseable double jointed peanut thigh

Optional parts MAY be available separately but they are costly from this caster.

A video will be coming shortly, displaying the difference between the leg joints and their locking mechanisms.

You can see a visual difference here but more detailed photos will be coming

Some of the hand Variants (2 more sets to come; OK/Fingers Crossed, Paper)

Rock, Hands to hold items, Rawr, Thumbs Up/Down, Holding hands, Scissors and Default

This also nicely shows off the skintones as well. All of these skintones will be available in the preorder for no extra cost.

Layaways will be available and we’ll try to be flexible.

We are anticipating a deposit of approximately $150 per doll, with the balance to be paid off in around 6 months.

The prices are as follows;

Lyra $525

Lupi and Delphini $535

Alula, Vega, Polaris $550

If you’re looking to order multiple dolls or you need a longer layaway, it MAY be possible. You’ll need to contact us as soon as possible to discuss options.

Deposits are NON REFUNDABLE.

The waiting time is estimated to be about 4 months (predicted by the caster) but as with all doll preorders sometimes circumstances change. We will notify everyone as soon as we can.

Faceups are not available at this time but we may be able to offer them in future moon preorders. It should be noted however, that for THESE heads, this is the last preorder. We keep our preorders of each head type to just one release so that they stay special and fresh.

Once the dolls have left us here, you can do whatever you’d like. Don’t be scared about modding, or weird and wonderful paint jobs. We’re here for your creativity and we want to celebrate it with you! Please don’t feel like you will need to ask for permission.


On the first day of Christmas


MOON Natural skin tone comparison